Feng Shui E-Book
Feng Shui - Attracting Abundance

Are you looking for an abundance of juicy, positive chi in your home, and wondering how do you make sure you attract it?

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Full price: $39

Limited-time special: $19

In 'Feng-Shui - Attract Abundance', you can learn more about...

  • How to understand the basics of Feng Shui so that you can increase and improve the energy flow in your home. 
  • Some easy-to-implement Feng Shui strategies to optimise and harmonise your living and working environment. 
  • Various ways you can use your spaces to incorporate Feng Shui to release any energy drainers and abundance impeders. how Feng Shui in the bedroom can bring new and noticeable harmony to your life. 
  • Locating where the money sector sits in your home so that you attract greater prosperity and success. 
  • Using colour to attract more joy and happiness discovering how removing clutter in your home can reduce clutter in your mind — allowing you to feel calmer and for ideas to flow more freely.

What are the energy suckers?

The first thing to make sure is that there are no meddlesome ‘chi suckers’ in your rooms. There are a number of things that have the potential to block energy and where possible, you want to identify those culprits and give them a swift kick out of your spaces. 

In the same way that there are things that will drain your Chi, there are also simple things you can do around your home to increase and attract it.

In Feng Shui, wood, fire, earth, metal and water are called the five elements and are considered to be the basic building blocks of everything physical within our environment. When all five elements are present, we feel more comfortable in our surrounds. 

Some people have a natural gift to sense when all elements are working, but for others, knowing how to identify the elements and how they interact is really helpful to create spaces that feel as good as they look.

What's Inside

Introduction to Feng Shui and the underlying principles of the philosophy.

What the arrangement of your spaces say about you.

What you can learn using Form School and arrange your space it the most optimal way.

A discourse on Chi and how you can use it to your advantage.

About the Author

Julia Cartwright

Women's empowerment and business coach. She is a nurturer of lifestyle, emotions, and spirit, and she has over 20 years of working and teaching within the design industry.

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